Lingon 🍒 Web

Convert kubernetes manifests from YAML to Go (golang) code.

Lingon is a library and command line tool to write HCL (Terraform) and kubernetes manifest (YAML) in Go.

This web app is an example of how to use the library to convert kubernetes manifests to Go code.

Go Reference GoReportCard example License

See Rationale for why we built this.

Lingon is not a platform, it is a library meant to be consumed in a Go application that platform engineers write to manage their platforms. It is a tool to build and automate the creation and the management of platforms regardless of the target infrastructure and services.

Who is this for?

Lingon is aimed at people who need to automate the lifecycle of their cloud infrastructure and have suffered the pain of configuration languages and complexity of gluing tools together with more tools. Programming languages are quite good at dealing with data. No need for yet another DSL.

All the Examples are in the documentation.

A big example is Platypus which shows how the kubernetes and terraform libraries can be used together.

The output format is called txtar, short for text archive. It is also used by the Go playground. See this example.
The code for this web app lives here on GitHub and you can see its dependencies /version.

YAML ➡️ Go 📋 copy to clipboard